I’ve finally got a little bit of time and one of the things I’ve been wanting to do is stitch together some panoramas I’ve taken with our camera.
Here’s a one from our trip to Fiji last February, click through for the hugeness. There’s a good chance your browser will resize it for your window (unless your screen is 7000 pixels wide), on firefox at least you just click again to zoom.
This was taken from atop the ridge that runs from one end of the island we stayed on to the to the other. On one side there was a village, on the other the resort. The picture doesn’t begin to do it justice.
Here’s another I took just yesterday at Crown Point Vista in Oregon
This one is less spectacular to me, in part because that wall shows you just how distorted the end result is. I’m using a (linux) program called hugin to do the image stitching, a process that turns out to involve a hell of a lot of math. I think I’ll probably get better at the stitching as time goes on but most of the lessons learned have to do with taking the actual pictures. It seems to me that the biggest improvement I could have made would have been to have taken a lot more pictures for each portion of the scene. I think it would have eliminated much of the distortion. Next, it would have helped to have gotten a similar exposure and depth of field on each shot. And please, make sure they’re all in focus dummy.