Garden – Beginning of May

albert - May 17, 2010 @ 8:15 pm

These photos are a couple weeks old now but I’m just getting around to sharing them.

The starts look pretty good huh? Since the time I took these photos they’ve done nearly nothing except for letting their leaves die off on at a time. I don’t get it. We’ve had great tomato starts the last two years and did nothing different this year.

My potatoes sitting in the sofa I made them to chit in. These have been in the ground a week now and the vines are up as of a couple days ago. Fortunately even an idiot like me can grow potatoes.

Or garlic even. This year is an experiment in how close I can really grow them and still see nice heads. There’s a couple different varieties in here and one of them has already gotten signifigantly bigger than the other.

When I took this picture, these broccolis had spent a solid month not growing even slightly. Now that our temperatures are finally getting above 60 regularly they’ve taken off a bit. To the right in this shot is cilantro and that monster in the background is an unidentified volunteer. He’s truly mysterious and getting huger by the day.

This is about the time every year I swear I won’t grow any more arugula. But it is soo tempting in February.

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