More pictures from the garden
A funny time of spring, the sun comes out and the world seems in full bloom, then the clouds roll in, it starts raining and it feels like it still winter. Some stuff is in full bloom, other stuff won’t be able to germinate for another month.
Mmmm…. potatoes. This perspective makes the garden look very wide.
A not very good picture of two of the four starts we ended up buying. The seed packet costs something like 3 or 5 bucks for a gram of seeds which is three or four dozen seeds at a wild guestimate. The start costs 6 bucks. It really makes the Costanza in me grit his teeth and think about planting the deformed, sickly little starts I grew myself. But in the end, I just want tomatoes.
This gigantic freak is sitting in my tomato dirt.
Correction, he was sitting in my tomato dirt. For what it’s worth I think it might have been a hideous mutant parsnip.